Lock Problems In Padgate ? Just Ask
At Locksmith Padgate we offer no obligation quotes so if youve a lock problem then just ask. Because we dont charge a call out fee or vat our costs are competitive in comparison with other Padgate locksmiths. We can normally be with you the same day when our emergency locksmith services are required otherwise we will make an appointment to suit you the customer.

Dont Get Locked Out In Padgate
The customer being locked out in Padgate only account for less than 10 per cent of our work and we would like to reduce this even further. So to prevent yourself being locked out, our Locksmith in Padgate Derek recommends the following.
We always recommend having both a front and back door key with you just in case one or the other locks fail and remember never to leave your key inside a door lock so you can always use two doors should the need arise.
Most of the time our work is involved in dealing with problem or failed locks so again if you have a problem lock on one door then try and not use it until youve sorted the problem out. We provide all our customers with no obligation quotes so that they have an idea of what the cost would be to repair or replace a lock. If after getting a quote form locksmiths padgate then we suggest you phone around to get more quotes so you have a good idea around costs.

Dont Drill A Lock Unless You Know What Your Doing
This customer had snapped a key in his garage door lock and a friend said he could open the lock for him. Drilling locks still requires knowledge and experience as the customer discovered. His friend was unsuccessful in opening the lock and called us out to open the door and replace the lock for him.

Nightlatch Snibs Why Remove Them ?
At Lockkeys Locksmiths Padgate we understand that sometimes customers or carers who look after people in their own homes can become locked out due to the person being looked after using the snib function on their nightlatch which deadlocks the door. Or sometimes the person forgets that the snib is on preventing the door from locking which means the door is left unlocked.
This can cause problems for the person being cared for and to prevent this we are asked for a solution and removing the snib solves this problem. Our locksmith in Padgate Derek has provided the above video to explain what he does to remove the snib (not a instructional video). If you would like a no obligation quote for anew nightlatch without a snib then call Derek or Pam of Lockkeys Locksmiths Padgate on 07855 867422.

Insurance Preferred Mortice Locks What Are They ?
When taking out or renewing your home contents insurance you might be asked if you have British Standard Mortice Locks on your doors that are BS3621. This can be a bit confusing for some customers and so out Locksmith in Padgate Derek has produced this video to assist customers in checking whether they have mortice locks on doors that the insurance provider is asking for.

Window Mechanism Problems ?
There are a number of parts that make up a window mechanism lock and of course if any of these parts should fail then it will cause problems either locking or unlocking the window. Our Padgate Locksmith Derek has kindly provided this video to explain how the window mechanism works. If you have a problem with a window mechanism call Derek or Pam at Lockkeys Locksmiths Padgate on 07855 867422

Multipoint Lock Failing Or Door Alignment Problem ?
At Lockkeys Locksmiths Padgate we often get calls from customers who have problems locking their Upvc or Composite door and to determine whether the problem is the multipoint lock or a door alignment we ask them to lock the door whilst it is open if the lock works ok then both the customer and ourselves know the problem is the alignment of the door. If the door will still not lock then its a new multipoint lock or centre case that is required.

Upvc Or Composite Door Lock Problems ?
Our Padgate Locksmith Derek advises if your having problems locking your upvc or composite door, then it could be because your door has dropped and the lock hooks/bolts are not lining up correctly when you try to lock your door. If the door/keeps are not re-aligned then extra force is required to lock the door and this can lead to the lock and or handles breaking as pictured above. For a no obligation quote for any multipoint door lock problems call Derek or Pam on 07855 867422.

Lockkeys Locksmiths Padgate We Go The Extra Mile
Or in this case the extra 40 miles. We recently did some work for a large Northwest Charity who needed a euro cylinder lock converting to a thumb turn cylinder after a fire assessment audit. The problem was that it was a Assa Ruko Flexcore lock on a master suited system so just replacing it with a new lock was not a option. With this type of situation you need to work out first of all who supplies and fits this particular make of lock which brought us to Master Lock & Safe in Southport who very kindly converted the lock to a thumbturn for us before we refitted the lock and solved the problem.

Nightlatches - Some Can Be Deadlocked
As Padgate locksmiths we are in a security related business and as such always offer security advice when we can. There are still many nightlatches or "Yale Locks" in use today and some of these can be deadlocked from the outside to provide extra security for customers. Our Locksmith in Padgate Derek did the attached video to show customers how to check if they have a deadlocking nightlatch.

Anti Snap Locks Padgate - Whats The Difference ?
With so many euro cylinder locks on the market described as anti snap which one should you pick and why ? The easiest way to understand this is that only 3 star locks are designed and tested to withstand a snapping attack so even though for example the euro cylinder above with no stars on it and the one star lock have some anti snap attributes they are not specifically designed to withstand a snapping attack and so could not be relied on to do so.
So when customers ask Lockkeys Locksmiths Padgate for a quote we will only quote for a true anti-snap lock which will be a 3 star diamond grade euro cylinder.

Rim Locks What Are They ?
There are still plenty of rim locks about, mainly found on gates and sheds they are not the most secure type of lock and they are not designed to be. The protection on these locks is mainly in the warding or obstruction inside of the lock and thats why the keys are in the shape that they are so that the key can pass through the warding or obstruction inside the lock.
If you have one of these types of locks protecting valuable property then Derek our locksmith in Padgate would suggest that bikes,ladders or other large items are chained together using a strong chain and padlock and any tools are locked inside a metal toolbox and also chained up with bigger items. We also suggest you consider purchasing a portable shed alarm which are no longer a expensive item.

Key Safes Which One For Me ?
If you look you will see many key safes now in use throughout Padgate and the UK in general so which one is for you ? Key safes come in different sizes normally small, medium and large and these sizes normally determine how many keys of different types can be stored in the Key Safe so this is one thing that the customer needs to consider before choosing (Details of key numbers can normally be found on the key safe description). Another thing to consider is who will be using the key safe. The next thing to consider is whether you need a high security key safe rather than standard security and obviously this will depend on the area you live in and budget available. When choosing a High Security Key Safe look out for the secured by design logo as this means they have been tested by locksmiths to withstand standard attack methods. For obvious reasons Lockkeys Locksmiths Padgate we always recommend a High Security Key Safe such as the Burton Safes Digital Keyguard XL.

Locksmith Training Courses Near Warrington
Locksmith Training Courses are not just for trading locksmiths, it can also be used as a add on to many trades who might need to gain entry to locks or replace locks in their current work role. It can also be useful for reactive maintenance companies whos staff are dealing with door locks. Learning locksmith skills can save a company money by using less destructive methods to gain entry to doors.
For those wishing to become a locksmith then you need to consider a number of things before rushing in and starting your locksmith training course. At Lockkeys Locksmith Services we provide locksmith training courses from our workshop in Lea Green, St Helens if its something you are interested in then have a look at our training website